Position on Water Fluoridation

Fluoride occurs naturally in the earth’s crust in combination with other minerals in rocks and soil. Small amounts of fluoride appear naturally in our water and much of the food we consume. The concentration of fluoride in the water found to be most effective in combating dental decay is between 0.7 parts per million to 1.2 ppm

Water Fluoridation has been recognized by the center for Disease Control and Prevention and other organizations as a critical variable in preventing dental decay in adults and children. David Satcher, Surgeon General, wrote in his report, Oral Health in America, “Community water fluoridation is safe and effective in preventing dental disease in both children and adults”. In addition, over one hundred national and International organizations recognize today the public health benefits of community water fluoridation.

As a result of water fluoridation half of all children ages 5 to 17 have never had a cavity in their permanent teeth.

Despite the overwhelming evidence of the value of water fluoridation 34% of the population still does not have access to fluoridated water. Water fluoridation would save over 1.5 billion dollars per year.

It is therefore, the position of the National Dental Association that Community Water Fluoridation is safe, beneficial and cost effective and should be encouraged and supported under the following conditions:

• Community water supplies should contain the optimal fluoride levels as recommended by the U.S. Public Health Service (a range from 0.7 – 1.2 parts per million)

• Local communities and dental societies should be in agreement with and support the fluoridation project in their communities.

• Appropriate resources monitoring capabilities should be available to ensure that the appropriate water fluoride monitoring infrastructures are in place at all times in the impacted communities.

The National Dental Association is committed to working with other dental organizations, government agencies, dental societies and individual dentists to encourage and facilitate the use of water fluoridation in local municipal water supplies, especially underserved areas, in an effort to impact as large a number of individuals as is possible.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 June 2012 13:01 )


The National Dental Association (NDA) seeks to provide continued advancement of the highest quality of oral health care and safety for the public. As a resource to key decision makers and the public on a variety of oral health issues, it is our goal to provide timely, evidenced and researched based perspectives. Position papers are reviewed periodically by our policy committee for reaffirmation, updating or expiration. An update concerning a specific recommendation in a paper is released when warranted.